Social Issues

Unequal justice
A new report says that blacks are more likely to be arrested in Minnesota than whites. Midmorning examines the impact of racial inequality in the courtrooms.
First comes love. Then comes marriage?
Countries around the world have been debating gay marriage for years. President Bush has addressed the topic a number of times. And it's a rare day when the issue doesn't show up in the newspaper. But is same-sex marriage the most important concern in the gay community?
With the closing of La Clinica en Lake next month, area community clinics are making preparations to serve the 5,200 patients who will have to find new health care providers. But those providers may also feel more financial pressure as that transition takes place.
Popular community health care clinic closes
La Clinica en Lake is well-known as a convenient health care clinic with a bilingual and bicultural approach. But now, the clinic is closing next month, and patients have to find another place to go.
Martha Anderson at 105
Martha Anderson of rural Gilbert turns 105 this week. She lives in her own home, cooks her meals, brings flowers to church, and refuses to use the elevator -- she says it's for old people.
John Edwards has "new ideas" to combat poverty
Former U.S. Sen. John Edwards, the 2004 Democratic vice presidential nominee and a possible 2008 presidential candidate, gives what's billed as a "major policy address outlining new ideas in the fight against poverty" at the National Press Club in Washington.
"Sisters in Law" deliver justice in Cameroon
In a small village in the west African nation of Cameroon, two women mete out justice with a special emphasis on women's rights. That's the theme that runs through a new documentary film called "Sisters in Law," which opens at the Twin Cities Bell Museum Friday.
The "i" word debated
A forum sponsored by Minnesota Public Radio and the Minnesota News Council on Tuesday evening looked at the stakes of the media's representation of immigration issues.
Debating the 'i' word
The national debate on immigration policy has loomed large in media coverage in recent months. It turns out the way the media reports on those debates can be as contentious as the immigration policy in question.