Social Issues

Floyd Palmer's long road
Floyd Palmer has lived through some of the worst life can serve up, but he's managed to overcome most of it. His story is both inspirational and cautionary. It shows childhood scars can be dealt with, but there's always a price.
How AIDS changed American culture
It was 25 years ago this summer that the first cases of AIDS were reported. Since then, the virus has taken 25 million lives worldwide. But the impact of AIDS has also reached beyond the realm of human health. The disease has transformed American culture.
Disturbing new trends in drug use
A new report on drug trends in Minnesota shows that while methamphetamine use is getting much of the attention, use of heroin and other opiates is also increasing.
More dads stay home to raise kids
Sunday is Father's Day, and an increasing number of fathers are defying traditional gender roles and redefining what it means to be a dad. Tom Vytlacil is one of those fathers. He is a stay-at-home dad and an organizer of a group called Minnesota Dads at Home.
Report: Meth lab busts down 78 percent in Minnesota
The most recent snapshot of illegal drug activity in Minnesota has a mix of good and bad news. A new Hazelden Foundation report says Minnesota has seen a 78 percent decrease in methamphetamine lab busts over the last year. But it says more people are dying from opiate overdoses caused by drugs like heroin, methadone and oxycodone.
From prison to the streets
A new report from the Wilder Foundation shows that as Minnesota's population of ex-convicts increases, so does the number of them who are homeless after they're released.
Bergson says he won't run again
Duluth Mayor Herb Bergson says he won't run for re-election. Bergson says he's doing it to remove himself as a political obstacle in the city's fight over pension benefits.