Social Issues

Commentary: Governor's free-tuition program
Gov. Tim Pawlenty recently unveiled a plan to give high school graduates in the top 25 percent of their class free tuition for their first two years of college at an in-state public institution. Minneapolis Public School teacher Eve Johnson-Blackwell says the governor's proposal would do little for students who need the most help.
The disappearing middle class neighborhood
Middle income people are no longer gathered in neighborhoods as they were after World War II. Midmorning's guest says the changes were especially dramatic after the 1970s.
Iraq by the numbers
A picture may be worth a thousand words. But sometimes it's the numbers that help us make sense of a situation.
The new philanthropy
Warren Buffett's plan to hand over the bulk of his fortune to the Gates Foundation has some suggesting we're entering a new "golden age" of philanthropy.
New bakery offers a taste of home to Salvadorians
A new bakery in St. Paul is bringing a taste of El Salvador to the Twin Cities. For some, that's a taste of home. As the Latino population in Minnesota continues to grow, different small populations of Latin Americans are developing specialty businesses.
Celebrating citizenship
Is it cliche to do a story about immigrants becoming official U.S. citizens on the Fourth of July? Maybe. But is that a bad thing?
Fargo/Moorhead a destination point for new immigrants
Fargo, North Dakota has a long history of accepting people driven out of their homeland by war. Twenty years ago, the city saw an influx of refugees from Vietnam. In the years since the nationalities have changed but the influx of new Americans and the communities acceptance of them, has not.