Social Issues

A manifesto for working mothers
The author of a new book argues professional women who leave the workplace are doing themselves and society wrong.
Redefining the language debate
A linguist looks at how conservatives have altered the meaning of America's political vocabulary, and what liberals can do to change that.
Maria's family members took different routes, at different times, to enter the U.S. This map illustrates their travels across the border.
Maria's story: All her dreams are here
As many as 85,000 illegal immigrants make Minnesota their home, including many who have crossed the border into the U.S. from Mexico. This is the story of one of them.
Families settle lawsuit over Red Lake shootings
Victims of the Red Lake school shooting and their families have accepted a $1 million settlement from the school district. The money will be distributed among 21 families but may not be the end of litigation over the tragedy.
It's been a week of firsts for President Bush. On Wednesday, the president cast his first veto as president, and on Thursday, Bush delivered his first speech at the NAACP convention as president. Bush is the first president in 80 years to go his full first term without addressing the group.
Migrant workers sue Seneca Foods
A group of migrant workers is suing Seneca Foods Corp. for breech of contract. The group works at the company's vegetable and fruit processing plant in Montgomery in southeastern Minnesota. One activist group is calling the suit a step toward equal rights for migrant workers.
Stem cell veto could become a campaign issue
President Bush vetoed a bill Wednesday that would expand federal research on stem cells obtained from embryos. The issue could also play a role in the November election, since two of the U.S. Senate candidates in Minnesota differ on the issue.
The science of addiction
Progress in technology is changing the way scientists research and treat drug addiction. Midmorning discusses the latest advances and new ideas.