Social Issues

Latinos sending more money back home
The Latino population in Minnesota is growing rapidly, and the money immigrants send to Latin America from Minnesota is growing even faster. A recent report estimates a doubling in the amount of money transfers over the last two years.
How marriage has changed
Opponents of same-sex marriage say they want to protect the traditional definition of marriage, thus preserving one of humanity's oldest and most sacred institutions. Historian Stephanie Coontz agrees that marriage is a venerable institution, but she points out that marriage has hardly stood unchanged over the ages.
Working in a war zone
The Darfur region of Sudan has been called everything from "a powder keg" to "the next Rwanda." So just who would choose to work there?
North Dakota Senator becomes powerful voice for Indians
When Congress goes into session in January, the shift of power from Republicans to Democrats will be good for the upper Midwest. In the U.S. House, the Agriculture and Transportation committees will be chaired by Minnesota Rep. Jim Oberstar and Collin Peterson. North Dakota Sen. Byron Dorgan will chair the Indian Affairs Committee. Indian advocates say they're happy the three-term Democrat will take over the leadership position.
The rights of the human guinea pig
Midmorning's semi-regular ethics conversation covers the business of human testing for medical research. When side effects occur, who should be held accountable?
Coming together over Red Lake's needs
Leaders from Beltrami County and the Red Lake Band of Ojibwe have formed a partnership to figure out a better way to pay for welfare programs, foster care and other human services on the reservation.