Social Issues

Is marriage the answer?
Congress is spending hundreds of millions of dollars to encourage marriage. One argument for marriage is that married couples have better incomes than singles raising children.
Nobel prize-winning micro-lending pioneer at the Press Club
In 1974, economist Muhammad Yunus had a simple idea for lifting people in his native Bangladesh out of poverty -- make tiny loans to help poor people, mostly women, start small businesses. In 2006, Yunus' success was honored with a Nobel Peace Prize.
Sometimes it's best to ditch diplomacy
Diplomacy has its limits, and some wonder if talk is the right solution. Here are some stories from people who have ditched diplomacy for confrontation, with mixed results.
The number of nursing homes in Minnesota is shrinking. Choices like assisted living apartments have become the preferred housing option for many senior citizens.
A new take on birthday gifts
A child's birthday party is supposed to be about celebration, but often for the kids it seems to be about the presents. For some parents, the way around that is to make the birthday gifts into birthday donations.
A focus on cure or care?
Researchers are learning more about Alzheimer's everyday, but some may argue that there is not enough of an emphasis on helping families cope and care for patients.