Social Issues

National Public Radio's Juan Williams grew up in Section 8 low-income housing in New York City. He talked about that experience Thursday at the "Homes for All 2006" convention in St. Paul sponsored by the Minnesota Housing Partnership.
Initial impact of the Swift raid
MPR's Cathy Wurzer spoke with Worthington Mayor Alan Oberloh about how the raid is affecting the town.
Facing the inevitability of aging
They're growing in number, but that doesn't mean society respects them more. A long-time researcher in the aging field talks about the image and reality facing the growing population of people over 65.
Love and money
Wall Street Journal reporter and columnist Jeff Opdyke provides readers with a window into his own personal financial dealings, and in the process says he often makes himself look pretty foolish. He joins Midmorning to talk about his column, and about the issues raised when family and finance meet.
The changing nature of friendship
Midmorning examines the many different types of friendships with the author of a new book that looks at how the meaning of the word "friend" has changed.
A need for translation
A deaf man from Morrison County was arrested and found himself in jail and then in court without the benefit if any translation services. The case was settled out of court but shows that counties aren't offering the services required by the ADA legislation.
Juvenile detention center sits empty, unused at Red Lake
The Red Lake tribe has filed suit against the Department of Interior for failing to fully fund a new juvenile detention center. The new building has been sitting empty, furnishings and all, for nearly two years.
Tutu carries on a legacy of activism
Her famous father and activist mother inspired Naomi Tutu in her work on justice and reconciliation issues. She joins Kerri Miller in the MPR studios to talk about what Africans and Americans can learn from each other about giving.