Social Issues

Are parents hovering too much?
Some parents may be getting to involved with helping their children succeed in school or land a job, even attending their job interviews. Midmorning examines the trend of "helicopter parents and implications of this parenting style.
Roslyn McCallister Brock, the vice chair of the NAACP, speaks Monday at the annual Martin Luther King Jr. breakfast at the Minneapolis Convention Center. Her speech is titled "Children of the Dream: Building Community Through Commitment."
Author presents a new vision for Black America
A rebroadcast of Kerri Miller's conversation with conservative John McWhorter, who says African-Americans need to look within to overcome discrimination and poverty.
Education and civil rights: Then and now
Schools were a key battleground in the civil rights movement, and to this day there are a number of major race-related issues in education.
Understanding people under 25
The new PBS documentary "Generation Next" examines attitudes and trends among people age 16-25. What makes the current crop of teens and young adults different than the ones that came before them?
Deconstructing race
A new exhibit making a national debut at the Science of Museum of Minnesota asks probing questions about the scientific underpinnings of race and examines how the concept of race affects our institutions and our everyday lives.