Social Issues

Swift & Co. may be for sale
The board of directors of the company targeted in last month's federal immigration raid say they may sell. Swift & Company has more than a half dozen meatpacking plants including one in Minnesota at Worthington.
Aviva Breen chairs the board of Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights. Robert Treuer grew up in a Jewish family in Austria and survived the human rights abuses of World War II. He is now a tree farmer near Bemidji. They both spoke to MPR's Dan Olson as part of his Voices of Minnesota interview series.
The view from the other side
Reporter Norah Vincent assumed the identity of a man and learned almost more than she wanted to about power used by both sexes in relationships.
Court program helps parents get kids back home
When parents lose custody of their kids because of drug or alcohol abuse, they face a tough challenge. The courts require them to be clean and sober before their kids can return home. A pilot program in Minnesota's Itasca County is designed to give addictive parents a better chance at success.
The road to nowhere?
Minnesota has a growing population, more than 135,000 miles of roads, and not a lot of money to maintain them. But we're not alone. Midmorning looks at the troubling transportation issues facing the state and the nation.
Reporting the news - en Espanol
As Minnesota's Latino population continues to grow, so does the Spanish language media. They play an important role delivering entertainment and news to the Latino community. But there can be challenges that come with covering important stories on sensitive issues.
Channeling anger into action
The sister of Nicole Brown Simpson talks about how her focus on domestic violence helped her overcome her grief over her sister's death.
St. Paul cracks down on rental housing
St. Paul City Council members say too many landlords are neglecting their properties. They say it's unsafe for tenants and creating blight in the city's neighborhoods.
Comfort when time is limited
A leader in the field of palliative care and a hospice director talk about the developing field of a particular type of medical care that draws on a range of expertise from spiritual to scientific.