Social Issues

More money, worse results?
Donors are giving more money than ever to improving health in the developing world, but one expert thinks that effort may actually be hindering real progress.
The Marinette County, Wisconsin sheriff said that an "accidental meeting" between the Hmong hunter and another man pursuing small game, James Nichols of Peshtigo, led to Vang's death.
Building a house from close to home
A lot of people are trying to buy locally-produced food. Some look for locally-made clothing. But how about buying a house made of locally-produced timber? That's what's happening in Aitkin. It's affordable, very energy-efficient, and it's going up in an area facing a housing crunch.
What rights does an immigrant have?
The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement raids on Swift meatpacking plants could produce a rash of lawsuits. Immigration lawyers say some people were wrongly detained while federal officials say the actions were completely legal.
New approaches to fighting anorexia
One parent shares her story about the challenges of treating anorexia. Her experience illustrates a growing trend in the treatment of eating disorders among young people -- involving the parents, who have been considered a big part of the problem.
Building blocks for social change
A new organization in Minneapolis is trying to do something about race-based violence and bullying in schools. Project Legos considers itself the next generation of civil rights organizations.
The loss of coveted jobs led to an exodus of young people from rural communities such as Worthington, said Katherine Fennelly, a professor of public affairs at the University of Minnesota's Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs.