Drivers claim bus company discriminated against them

Nine east-African immigrants have filed a discrimination lawsuit in Minneapolis against MV Public Transportation, a national bus company. The immigrants are current and former drivers for MV.

The drivers' attorney, Kelly Jeanetta, says the immigrants were subjected to religious harassment and discrimination.

"Male Muslim employees were all referred to generically as 'Mohammad'; they were forced to listen to loud Christian music played at the workplace; they were denied religious holidays; they were told they couldn't speak their native languages even when they were on break," said Jeanetta.

MV Transportation is a minority-owned company. Spokeswoman Nikki Frenney says because of that, MV has long-established policies against discrimination.

"We regret that this particular set of workplace circumstances has resulted in a lawsuit. However, we intend to vigorously defend the company against these claims in a court of law," said Frenney.