Social Issues

Keillor advocates for historic preservation
Garrison Keillor, the host of the public radio program A Prairie Home Companion, spoke recently to the National Trust for Historic Preservation conference. He says historic preservation is important not only for the beautification of our cities, but also for the health of our communities.
University of St. Thomas says 'no' to Desmond Tutu
Nobel Peace Prize laureate Desmond Tutu won't be speaking at the University of St. Thomas in April because school officials are worried his views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict would offend the Jewish community, a school official said.
Sputnik and the beginning of the space age
On the 50th anniversary of the Soviet launch of the Sputnik satellite, Midday examines its historical and political role in starting the global space race.
What to do if you're facing foreclosure
Richard Todd, vice president for the Federal Reserve of Minneapolis, spoke with MPR's Cathy Wurzer about reforming the mortgage market and what people should do if they're facing foreclosure.
One catastrophe away from poverty
A health crisis, divorce or job loss -- just one of these circumstances is enough to send an increasing number of Americans into poverty. An author who has studied the working poor explores the barriers to getting ahead.
International adoptions bring more alcohol-exposed kids to U.S.
In the U.S. and countries around the world, children are born each day to mothers who drank alcohol while they were pregnant. As more American families adopt children from other countries, doctors say they are seeing more cases of fetal alcohol syndrome.
Preservation across America
Midday discusses preservation issues in Minnesota and beyond, and what's in store for the 2007 National Preservation Conference being held in the Twin Cities.
De'Andre June told police he woke up Wednesday morning to find the charred outline of a cross burned in the lawn of his home. June now is accused of burning the cross in the lawn himself.