Social Issues

Bush challenges U.N. to revisit its roots and advance freedom
President Bush announced new sanctions Tuesday against the military dictatorship in Myanmar, accusing it of imposing "a 19-year reign of fear" that denies basic freedoms of speech, assembly and worship. He spoke at the United Nations.
Lee Woodruff and Melanie Bloom on friendship and tragedy
Close friends Lee Woodruff and Melanie Bloom shared a long separation from husbands working overseas for network news. And they alternated caring for each other when their families experienced a pair of tragedies.
2008 Minneapolis budget offers a tax hike and public safety emphasis
Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak released the details of a proposed $1.4 billion budget for 2008. Rybak's budget priorities focus on improvements in three major areas: public safety, the economy and city infrastructure.
Remembering Little Rock
Fifty years ago this week marks one of the biggest events in U.S. civil rights history, the integration of Little Rock Central High School. President Dwight Eisenhower sent troops to restore order and enforce federal law.
Unrest in Ethiopia worries local Oromo
Minnesota has one of the largest Oromo populations in the country. The Oromo is an ethnic group from Ethiopia. The estimated 10,000 to 15,000 Oromo in the Twin Cites are trying to make new lives for themselves. But they say, their thoughts are often elsewhere -- as they monitor what's happening to family and friends in Ethiopia.
Kids and money matters
Teaching their children about money is "Do as I say, not as I do" for a lot of parents. Personal finance expert Ruth Hayden talks about what kids need to know, and how parents can model better money management.
Language is more than words
Psychologist Steven Pinker has been thinking a lot about the words we use, and the way we use them. He argues that language doesn't simply convey messages, but provides a window into our thoughts, emotions, and social relationships.