GLBT community upset by domestic partner benefits veto

Gov. Pawlenty
Gov. Tim Pawlenty
MPR Photo/Tom Weber

Advocates for gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgender Minnesotans are speaking out against Gov. Tim Pawlenty's veto of a domestic partner bill.

It would have allowed local governments to offer domestic partner benefits, such as health care and dental insurance, to their employees.

OutFront Minnesota Policy Director, Monica Meyer, says the measure passed the House and Senate with bi-partisan support.

"It doesn't make sense for the governor to really turn his back and say they he doesn't want local governments to be able to have the authority to do what they want to do. It doesn't make any sense to the League of Minnesota Cities or any of our organizations that he would be against this," Meyer said.

Meyer says more than 300 Minnesota companies offer domestic partner benefits to their employees and many cities, counties and school districts want to do the same.

Pawlenty said in his veto letter that he does not support expanding health care benefits to domestic partners.