MPR News Update

Good morning! In a seismic shift at a century-old institution the Boy Scouts of America has announced it will allow transgender children who identify as boys to enroll in its boys only programs. The move toward acceptance is accompanied by a White House announcement that an executive order by former President Barack Obama protecting gays and lesbians who work for federal contractors "will remain intact." | Forecast
Good morning! The Twin Cities can expect some snow this afternoon and again in the evening, with some possible light rain or drizzle mixed in. Endangered no more? Sen. Amy Klobuchar has co-sponsored legislation to remove wolves in Minnesota from the endangered species list. Wolves have been "delisted" three times in the past decade, only to be "relisted" after court challenges. Will this effort stick? | Forecast
Good morning! Based on the most recent 30-year average, January is the snowiest month of the year in the Twin Cities. So far this month, the official snowfall tally at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport is 7.8 inches. Could be the perfect time to "Do the Frosty," - one of the songs performed at the Super Bowl halftime show in 1992 when Minneapolis hosted the event. Thursday marked 25 years since that Super Bowl, the show did not age well. | Forecast
Good morning. When "The Mary Tyler Moore Show" hit television sets in 1970, it made a star of Minneapolis. The star, Mary Tyler Moore, is dead at age 80. As fans mourn the TV icon, MPR News blogger Bob Collins says there is only one true way to mark her death. "A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." | Forecast
Good morning! The Twin Cities area can expect light snow throughout the day. MnDot says many roads in central and southern Minnesota are at least partially snow covered and slick. As Spain reels from its financial crisis, a new restaurant, run by a Catholic priest, lets paying daytime customers foot the dinner bill for homeless people to dine with dignity - and style. | Forecast
Good morning. Gov. Mark Dayton collapsed during his State of the State address Monday night, ending the speech early. Dayton was just reaching part of his speech where he was going to propose letting all Minnesotans buy into MinnesotaCare as a way to ease problems with the individual insurance market. Some criticism was leveled against the Minnesota media overnight for showing a picture of Dayton collapsing online. "But the time and the place dictates decisions such as this and there simply are no compelling reasons for journalists to shield viewers and readers from a potentially monumental moment in state history," writes MPR News blogger Bob Collins. | Forecast
Good afternoon! The Minnesota Court of Appeals today overturned a lower court ruling that refused to dismiss a class action lawsuit that contends Minnesota's unclaimed property law is an illegal seizure under the Constitution. The suit was brought by several individuals, including a woman whose $138,000 was taken from a bank after she failed to respond to letters from the financial institution. | | Forecast
Good afternoon! Today Donald Trump became the 45th President of the United States. The inauguration was followed with high hopes and chaotic protests - as well as a pleasant selfie from Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar. | Analysis | Forecast
Good afternoon! The government may getting out of the arts business. According to a report from The Hill the Trump administration is planning to eliminate the National Endowment for the Arts and National Endowment for Humanities. Also under the new president's plan is the privatization of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. | NewsCut | Forecast
Good afternoon! It's getting hot out there. Last year, global warming reached record high temperatures, making 2016 the third consecutive year for record-breaking heat. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has just released its annual State of the Climate report, which says it hasn't been this hot since scientists started tracking global temperatures in 1880. That's not all: Global warming is going to steal away some of those postcard-perfect weather days in the future, according to a first-of-its-kind projection of nice weather. | Forecast