MPR News Update

Good morning! Sunny, with highs in the 30s. Welcome to January thaw time. That pretty much means it's not yet time to visit the Apostle Islands ice caves. It's not certain if or when that will happen this year, the National Park Service warns. | Forecast | Updraft weather blog
Good afternoon! The Minnesota Court of Appeals ruled Tuesday that you're not protected by the Fifth Amendment (self-incrimination) when a judge orders you to use your fingerprint to unlock your cellphone. The ruling came about in the case of a man convicted of burglary - a detective obtained a search warrant for the man's cellphone but was unable to unlock it, so a court ordered him to use his fingerprint to unlock it. Is it the same as being forced to testify against oneself? No, Judge Tracy Smith wrote on behalf of the three-judge panel in today's opinion. | Forecast
Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day! Warmer weather brings a wintry mix of light freezing rain, sleet and snow for southern and eastern Minnesota. Highs range from about 20s up north to about 31 in the south. Take care driving today! Forecast | Updraft weather blog
Good afternoon! There was a different kind of cover-up story in politics today. Workers preparing for President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration Jan. 20 have taped over the name of the port-a-potty company - "Don's Johns" - that has long supplied portable restrooms for major outdoor events in the nation's capital. Apparently the name strikes too close to home for inaugural organizers. | Forecast
Good morning! Becoming mostly sunny with highs ranging from 0 to 10. A wind chill advisory is in effect for northwestern Minnesota this morning. A winter weather advisory for blowing snow runs through 3 p.m., also for northwest Minnesota. Early contender for the "weirdest news of the day:" Ramsey police say a woman in labor was stopped in a stolen car with seven minors inside, some of whom had packaging tape over their mouths. Three other adults were also detained for questioning. | Forecast | Updraft weather blog
Good afternoon! Dogs and cats have been celebrated as clever creatures by scientists in the past few years. But what about our other four-legged friends? Japanese scientists have published online in the journal Animal Cognition the results of the first research to investigate how horses respond to the state of knowledge or ignorance of their human companions. The results are impressive. | Forecast
Good afternoon! Scientists have concluded that the moon is definitely over the hill at the ripe old age of 4.51 billion years old. Rock and soil collected by the Apollo 14 moonwalkers in 1971 helped confirm the new estimate - which puts the moon's creation within 60 million years of the birth of the solar system. The previous estimate had it within 100 million years to 200 million years. | Forecast
Good afternoon! Anyone who had to drive to work this morning might tell you: This winter weather has been terrible. The Twin Cities Winter Misery Index would call it "mild." A few years ago, state climatologist Pete Boulay came up with the method to measure just how harsh winters in the Twin Cities are. He developed the index, which ranks modern winters against winters of years past. | Forecast
Good morning! Cloudy with snow statewide. Sleet and freezing rain for southern Minnesota, mainly this morning. Areas of blowing snow west through south. A winter weather advisory is in effect for far southern portions of the state today. What is it about "no trespassing" signs that make some people think it doesn't apply to them? Minneapolis park police are stepping up patrols around Minnehaha Falls after a woman was injured while trespassing behind the falls over the weekend. The 20-year-old woman was hit on her head by a falling sheet of ice. Meanwhile, in Sonoma County, Calif., signs warned drivers away from a flooded roadway after a monstrous storm dumped tons of rain on the area. One guy drove around the road-closed signs Monday afternoon. It took 21 local, county and state responders and the country sheriff's helicopter to rescue him from the flood. | Forecast | Updraft weather blog
Good afternoon! Snowmobile suits and hot chocolate were the standard for those out to see Stillwater's ice castle, a sort of frozen Atlantis that looks like it was pulled from the depths of the neighboring St. Croix River. | Forecast