MPR News Update

MPR News Update, AM Edition for Jan. 31, 2017

Good morning! In a seismic shift at a century-old institution the Boy Scouts of America has announced it will allow transgender children who identify as boys to enroll in its boys only programs. The move toward acceptance is accompanied by a White House announcement that an executive order by former President Barack Obama protecting gays and lesbians who work for federal contractors "will remain intact." | Forecast

After big scare, family reunited despite Trump immigration order EagleCam nest gets its first egg of the year Trump fires Justice Dept. head over executive order defiance Trump's immigration order: Minnesota lawmakers respond GOP lawmakers take aim at Dayton's budget plan Jamar Clark protest shooter: I felt threatened by crowd Minnesota's medical marijuana program needs more money It's Fred Korematsu Day: Celebrating a foe of U.S. internment camps