MPR News Update

MPR News Update, AM Edition for Jan. 30, 2017

Good morning! The Twin Cities can expect some snow this afternoon and again in the evening, with some possible light rain or drizzle mixed in. Endangered no more? Sen. Amy Klobuchar has co-sponsored legislation to remove wolves in Minnesota from the endangered species list. Wolves have been "delisted" three times in the past decade, only to be "relisted" after court challenges. Will this effort stick? | Forecast

Hundreds rally at MSP to protest Trump immigration curbs 6 killed in Canada mosque shooting; Trudeau calls it terror The extraordinary courage of acid attack survivors Trump denies immigration restriction is 'a Muslim ban' More soil contaminated with TCE found in east Minneapolis Ahead of Trump's first jobs report, a look at his remarks on the numbers John Hurt, 'Elephant Man' star and character actor, dies at 77 This tiny submarine cruises inside a stomach to deliver drugs