MPR News Update

MPR News Update, AM Edition for Jan. 26, 2017

Good morning. When "The Mary Tyler Moore Show" hit television sets in 1970, it made a star of Minneapolis. The star, Mary Tyler Moore, is dead at age 80. As fans mourn the TV icon, MPR News blogger Bob Collins says there is only one true way to mark her death. "A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." | Forecast

Minnesotans on edge over likely refugee restrictions Lawmakers back aid for Minnesotans hurt by health coverage cost hikes 'Resist': Activists unfurl massive banner on crane behind White House For a stark contrast to U.S. immigration policy, try Canada Textron is buying vehicle maker Arctic Cat in $247 million deal Prosecutors: Texts show Scarsella was biased against blacks Volkswagen settlement could boost electric, natural gas vehicles in Minnesota Art Hounds: Glow-in-the-dark puppetry about mitosis