Morning Edition

Cathy Wurzer
Cathy Wurzer

Morning Edition, with Cathy Wurzer in St. Paul and NPR hosts in Washington and Los Angeles, brings you all the news from overnight and the information you need to start your day. Listen from 4 to 9 a.m. every weekday.

Morning Announcements | Weather chats with Mark Seeley

Lawmakers question timeline, cost of U of M's nearly billion dollar plan to acquire Fairview facilities
The University recently revealed the estimated cost of the plan, $950 million. That includes $300 million to acquire the campus buildings, as well as funding for staff and other expenses. Meanwhile, Sanford and Fairview said in a letter that they support the U’s proposal, but want it to move forward with the companies’ merger.
Emerging from pandemic, Rochester seeks to jump-start its downtown
Like most cities, Rochester’s downtown life took a hit during the pandemic. What’s different is that Rochester is in the midst of a massive and expensive 20-year transformation, with its downtown a big part of making the city more vibrant. City leaders have created a new task force to figure out what to do next, and are asking the community for help.
Art Hounds: Galleries at Bloomington's Artistry busy with three shows
The Partly Tame trio performs an eclectic evening concert in St Cloud and an hour-long performance “Once on This Island, Jr.,” makes the Broadway show accessible to younger viewers at Stages Theater.
'I'm really worried about it': As federal emergency food help ends, Minnesotans voice concerns
Emergency federal benefits that help Minnesotans pay for food are set to run out this month. And even with some state funding set to boost food shelves, people who need help and nutrition groups say more needs to be done.
'Wild West': Minnesota authorities worry THC edibles market may outrun the law
Demand is high for THC products in Minnesota, yet basic questions around what’s illegal and what happens when the cops get called have largely gone unanswered. A smoke shop transaction that ended with a 70-year-old diabetic in the hospital offers a look at the problem authorities face as the market expands.  
'Where power resides' — Flipping privilege in the art curator paradigm
The Emerging Curators Institute is a singular arts entity in the Midwest. It is providing an alternative pathway into a field that has historically been limited to the privileged.