Morning Edition

Cathy Wurzer
Cathy Wurzer

Morning Edition, with Cathy Wurzer in St. Paul and NPR hosts in Washington and Los Angeles, brings you all the news from overnight and the information you need to start your day. Listen from 4 to 9 a.m. every weekday.

Morning Announcements | Weather chats with Mark Seeley

July starts with drought, dry heat across Minnesota
Dew points are remarkably low for July, and dry air across the Upper Midwest and into Canada is exacerbating the problem, retired University of Minnesota climatologist Mark Seeley told MPR News host Cathy Wurzer.
Moorhead prepares to raise a monument to a long forgotten soldier
Later this summer historians in Moorhead will install a statue on a city corner to honor a Black Civil War veteran. Moorhead might seem like an odd place for such a memorial, but the idea is to recognize a long-forgotten piece of history.
Hennepin Healthcare makes its case for more equity, inclusion training
The Minneapolis hospital now requires doctors and other health professionals to undergo equity and inclusion training. The program is atypical in the health field, but one that hospital leaders say is crucial in their mission to serve the entire city. Here’s how it works.
'Very big cases': U law professor on the Supreme Court's latest rulings
“Some people call this the ‘you only live once’ court — the idea being that the six-justice majority has the votes and are really not shy about using that power while they have it,” University of Minnesota law professor Jill Hasday told MPR News Monday.
Birds, bugs and climate change
Many bird species are in decline across North America, with decades of falling numbers. In western Minnesota, researchers are examining the link between climate change, birds and the insects they eat.
June wraps up as one of the driest and warmest in Minnesota history
Thunderstorms and downpours from earlier in the week weren't enough to eliminate drought and quench the state's drying landscape. Meteorologist Mark Seeley spoke with MPR News host Cathy Wurzer about the recent hot, dry weather.