Morning Edition

Cathy Wurzer
Cathy Wurzer

Morning Edition, with Cathy Wurzer in St. Paul and NPR hosts in Washington and Los Angeles, brings you all the news from overnight and the information you need to start your day. Listen from 4 to 9 a.m. every weekday.

Morning Announcements | Weather chats with Mark Seeley

Hockey USA moves to require neck guards after player death
The USA Hockey Board of Directors has begun the process of recommending rule changes for protective neck gear after Minnesota native Adam Johnson died after a skate slashed his neck in a professional game last month in England. Hockey reporter Jess Myers with The Rink Live and Forum Communications says the changes are necessary.
Survey: Minnesota hospitals report hefty financial losses
The Minnesota Hospital Association said that 67 percent of its members that took part in a recent survey reported financial losses in the first half of 2023. That’s a sharp increase over the 55 percent that reported negative operating margins in 2022. 
Minnesota schools turn to voters, plead for lawmaker help in fending off cyberattacks
Several Minnesota communities weighed ballot questions this month aimed at boosting local funding for security efforts; more than half were approved. School officials say the state needs to step up, too.
Warming trends in November could be felt as early as next week
An MPR listener wanted to know: What are the recent climate trends for Minnesota? MPR News host Cathy Wurzer spoke with meteorologist and climatologist Mark Seeley about the warmer trends in this weeks weather chat.
From Minnesota to Arizona, new research tracks a remarkable, centenarian fish
New research has found several species of the buffalofish, which are native to Minnesota, can live to be well over 100 years old. That’s helped spark new appreciation for the fish, and efforts to give it greater protection.
Roundup: Breaking down a busy week of Minnesota politics
MPR News political editor Brian Bakst and Eric Eskola, co-host of “Almanac” on Twin Cities Public Television, joined Morning Edition host Cathy Wurzer to run down this week’s political headlines and what they mean for Minnesotans.
Art Hounds: Three very different plays about immigration 
Art Hounds recommend three very different plays in the Twin Cities that have immigration as a theme. Combustible Theatre resurrects Eugene O’Neill’s 1922 play “The Hairy Ape,” Full Circle Theater stages “Anon(ymous)” and Fortune Fool’s new musical “Cold Planet Warm Heart.”
Unfurled! Minnesota state flag public submissions revealed
Minnesotans hoping to influence the look of their new state flag like their stars and their loons — lots and lots of loons. There are loony ideas, too, including a pitch with a hot dish at the fore.