Minnesota Now with Nina Moini

Minnesota Now with Nina Moini
Minnesota Now with Nina Moini

Minnesota Now with Nina Moini is journalism that doesn’t take itself too seriously. It’s reporting that puts people first with live, down-to-earth, unscripted interviews that aim to inform and entertain. Tune in to Minnesota Now weekdays at noon on the radio or the live audio stream at mprnews.org.

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Minnesota music: One of the pillars of Minnesota Now is featuring great Minnesota-based music. Here’s this year’s playlist of songs heard on the show.

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Out to Lunch | Thank You, Stranger | Connect the Dots | State of Democra-Z | Professional Help

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MN sports roundup: Who will be the next general manager, head coach of the Vikings?
This week, the sports duo of Wally Langfellow and Eric Nelson take on the hottest question in Minnesota sports: Who will the Vikings pick to fill vacancies at general manager and head coach after firing Rick Spielman and Mike Zimmer?
What's it like to be in high school during the omicron surge?
As COVID-19 sweeps through schools and some return to distance learning, we heard first-hand accounts of what life is like in school during the pandemic from high schoolers around the Twin Cities.
Remembering environmentalist Sigurd Olson, 40 years after his passing
Forty years ago, on Jan. 13, 1982, environmentalist icon Sigurd Olson passed away in Ely, Minn. To remember Olson, host Cathy Wurzer was joined by biographer David Backes, who recalled how Olson changed his life.
As omicron surges, Osseo superintendent faces school staff absences of up to 25 percent
Freezing temperatures, staff shortages and skyrocketing COVID-19 case numbers have pushed school leaders to move to distance learning in a number of Minnesota districts, including Osseo Area Schools. Superintendent Cory McIntyre says sending students home isn’t ideal, but that it wasn’t sustainable to continue in person.
A fundraiser for mental health justice featuring top Twin Cities chefs
An upcoming series of events called Graze 4 Good aims to raise money for mental health justice — by bringing attendees food from top Twin Cities chefs. An organizer and a chef told host Cathy Wurzer more about the project.
Reporter roundtable: The latest from Austin, Cloquet, Roseau
We're calling reporters from newspapers outside the Twin Cities metro area to hear what's happening in their neck of the woods. Wednesday, host Cathy Wurzer was joined by journalists from the Roseau Times-Region, Pine Knot News and the Austin Daily Herald.
People are quitting their jobs in record numbers. What's driving the Great Resignation?
A record 4.5 million Americans quit their jobs in November 2021, part of what some are calling the Great Resignation. Host Cathy Wurzer asked Phyllis Moen why people are leaving their jobs — and what that means for the employment landscape.
A conversation with Hamse Warfa, soon Biden's highest-ranking Somali appointee
Hamse Warfa is leaving Minnesota to serve in the Biden administration in Washington, D.C., where he will be the highest-ranking Somali appointee. He joined host Cathy Wurzer to talk about his story and the importance of strengthening democracy around the world.
Thanks to TikTok, a Minnesota band that broke up seven years ago now has a smash hit single. Sarah Darnall and Cody Brown of Hot Freaks sat down with host Cathy Wurzer to tell their unlikely story.