Kerri Miller Brief

Our nation has long held the notion that, "I may not like what you say, but I defend your right to say it." But what if the result is more violence?
Political Junkie: Russian hack controversy and intelligence briefs (or lack thereof)
Political Junkie Ken Rudin was ready to talk about the news from the weekend, including Russia's influence in the U.S. presidential election, and President-elect Donald Trump's take on intelligence briefings.
'Terrible, Thanks for Asking': A podcast on honesty in grief
Author Nora McInerny Purmort married and lost the man she loved in just three years. She talks to others who have experienced immense grief in the the new podcast, "Terrible, Thanks for Asking."
Movie Maven Stephanie Curtis joined MPR News host Euan Kerr in the studio to talk about favorite holiday movies.