Capitol View®

Reporting on State Politics and Government

Gov. Pawlenty’s office says Pawlenty will make his budget announcement at 1 pm tomorrow at the Harold Stassen Revenue Building in St. Paul. Pawlenty was on Midday today. Bob Collins also live-blogged the show. Here were a few of the nuggets: Pawlenty said there would be a 15% cut in expected spending increase in HHS…
The recount trial begins today in Minnesota’s long-running U.S. Senate race. MPR, the Star Tribune, WCCO and the Washington Post have stories. The Pi Press says this could be the last stage in the process. AP has a Q and A about the lawsuit. The burden on the trial falls on Coleman. Coleman wants more…
A spokeswoman for Matt Entenza said the St.Paul resident filed the official paperwork with the Campaign Finance Board (but it hasn’t been filed at the board’s site yet). He has announced, however, on this website. Entenza served in the Minnesota House between 1995 and 2007. He ran for Minnesota Attorney General in 2006 but dropped…
I’m told Gov. Pawlenty will be a studio guest on MPR’s Midday at 11 AM on Monday. He’s making the appearance one day before he’s scheduled to release his budget proposal. He will take call-in questions. Update: Pawlenty also sat down with TPT to preview his budget.
Minnesota lost more jobs in December. The unemployment rate hovers near 7%. MPR and the Star Tribune have stories. House Republicans want a five-year tax holiday for businesses that relocate or expand in Minnesota. Obama’s stimulus plan could be a boost for Minnesota. The figures come from an NCSL analysis of the action in the…
MINNEAPOLIS (AP) – A spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says there’ll be no move to seat Democrat Al Franken on Thursday. Spokesman Jim Manley also says Senate Democrats may not make any move for a few weeks. In an e-mail to The Associated Press, Manley says no decisions had been made. Franken came…
Senate Democrats may try to make the push to seat Al Franken. AP has the story. You can listen to Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s comments here. A spokesman for Reid said there is no timeline on when the Senate would try to seat Franken. Republican Norm Coleman was also in Washington and said…
I found Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s comments regarding Al Franken (Note: It appears that Reid’s comments picked up by the AP were prior to this brief photo op with Franken). Here’s the audio: Thanks to the folks at NPR for helping me get my hands on this audio.
From the AP: WASHINGTON (AP) – It’s no joke: Senate Democrats are moving toward letting comedian Al Franken join the chamber while Republican Norm Coleman’s election lawsuit is pending. “We’re going to try to seat Al Franken,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., told reporters on Wednesday, a few hours before he posed with Franken…
President Barack Obama talked, walked and danced on his first day in office. He now has to get to work. One of Obama’s first actions was to stop President Bush’s pending regulations. He also ordered a stop to prosecutions at Gitmo. AP says the party cost $150 million. The Senate approved a bunch of Obama’s…