Capitol View®

Reporting on State Politics and Government

The Minnesota Senate passed a resolution Thursday setting committee deadlines for the 2009 session. The House is expected to do the same next week. The first deadline, for committees to act favorably on policy bills in the house of origin, is March 27, 8:00 p.m. The deadline for companion bills from the oppisite body is…
Democrats in control of both the House and Senate have been urging Gov. Pawlenty to appoint someone to manage the the expected federal stimulus money that will be given to the state. Pawlenty announced this morning that he was appointing Tom Hanson, Commissioner of Minnesota Management and Budget, to the post. In a news release,…
The economy continues to fall at a rapid pace. Several members of Congress appeared at the State Capitol yesterday to discuss the federal stimulus package that passed the U.S. House of Representatives earlier this week. DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar said the plan will create and save thousands of jobs. Others aren’t so sure. MPR and…
DFL legislative leaders are trying to lower expectations about the federal economic stimulus bill, and its potential impact on Minnesota’s $4.8 billion budget deficit. House Speaker Margaret Anderson Kelliher and Senate Majority Leader Larry Pogemiller held a private meeting today at the State Capitol with three members of Minnesota’s congressional delegation. After the meeting, Pogemiller…
The Pi Press says anti-tobacco groups will push to ban smoking in cars with kids. It’s the latest salvo in the public health vs. personal choice debate. Gov. Pawlenty will make his case on the budget to several more business groups today. The business leaders who heard his pitch yesterday liked his tax cut plans.…
DFL Rep. Collin Peterson was the only Minnesota DFLer to vote against the package. All of the Republicans, including first-term Republican Erik Paulsen, voted against it. Here’s the Roll Call: Voting Yes: Tim Walz, Betty McCollum, Keith Ellison and Jim Oberstar Voting No: John Kline, Erik Paulsen, Michele Bachmann and Collin Peterson
One of the biggest guessing games in Minnesota politics is whether Gov. Tim Pawlenty plans to run for re-election next year. Pawlenty won’t tip his hand until after the legislative session because he doesn’t want his political plans to add even another level of contention to the debate over the budget. But the governor’s campaign…
On the same day that the U.S. House is set to vote on the proposed economic stimulus package, the conservative Freedom Foundation of Minnesota has released its “Top 10 list of worst funding requests from Minnesota cities.” Here’s the list: 10) Shorewood $300,000 Tennis court improvement and rehab – A backhand shot from a prosperous…
Gov. Pawlenty offered a budget that is Pawlenty’s plan is 2.2% smaller than the previous two-year budget. It cuts health care eligibility, higher education and aid to cities and counties. It does increase spending for education and provides tax cuts. It also relies heavily on one-time money. MPR, the Pi Press, the Star Tribune, KARE,…
Gov. Pawlenty will announce his budget proposal today. It’s clear that there will be blood on the floor. The questions are how much and who’s blood? MPR and AP have stories. The Pi Press says cuts to health and welfare are on the chopping block. The Star Tribune says a giant battle is brewing over…