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The Daily Digest: 1-23-09

Minnesota lost more jobs in December. The unemployment rate hovers near 7%. MPR and the Star Tribune have stories.

House Republicans want a five-year tax holiday for businesses that relocate or expand in Minnesota.

Obama's stimulus plan could be a boost for Minnesota. The figures come from an NCSL analysis of the action in the House Appropriations committee.

Schools could also get some money from the stimulus.

The U of M pleads for a minimum budget hit.

Gov. Pawlenty says there will be no new taxes and few fee hikes in his budget proposal.

The Pi Press says counties are willing to allow the state to cut mandates.

Higher Ed Commissioner Susan Heegaard is leaving to take a job at the Bush Foundation.

Legislators plan to overhaul the charter school system.

A group works to eliminate same sex discrimination in Minnesota law.

Minnesota Attorney General Lori Swanson sues Allina over the amount of interest charged on medical debt.

Thousands rally against abortion at the Capitol.

Lawmakers vow to fix the broken farmland program.

2008 U.S. Senate race

Court rejects Democrat Al Franken's bid to toss out the lawsuit. AP, the Pi Press and the Star Tribune have stories.

Republican Norm Coleman gets a new job.

Coleman also continues his media push to make his case on why he'll win. He sat down for interviews with AP and KARE.

He also sends a video message to supporters.

Coleman also wants to send inspectors to 86 precincts.


President Obama orders Gitmo and secret prisons closed.

House Democrats push Obama's tax plan through committee.

The Farm Forum wonders where Ag will spend Obama's millions. DFL Rep. Collin Peterson is mentioned.

Peterson also met with Obama's pick to head the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

A Survey USA poll says Obama's approval is at 64% in Minnesota.

The Senate passed a wage discrimination limits bill.

DFL Rep. Betty McCollum has been named to the House Budget Committee.

GOP Rep. John Kline has been named to the Ethics Committee.

A few of GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann's staffers move to other positions.

MinnPost profiles DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar.