Capitol View®

Reporting on State Politics and Government

Just hours after congratulating President Obama for becoming the 44th President of the United States, Republican Norm Coleman is now pointing out the differences between Obama and Democrat Al Franken. In a fundraising letter to supporters entitled “The difference between Obama and Franken”, Coleman wrote this: Today marks an historic occasion for each and every…
I just visited the White House website to see if there were any quick changes as a result of the transition. As expected, President Obama’s picture is profiled at the top. What is even more interesting is the message I received when I typed “George W. Bush” into the site’s search engine: Search was unable…
Later this morning, Barack Obama will be sworn in as the 44th President of the United States. Obama will be the first African American elected to the position. Several Minnesotans are in Washington D.C. to see the inauguration. On Monday, Obama honored Martin Luther King and called on Americans to serve. One of his biggest…
Former U.S. Senator Mark Dayton has filed the paperwork to run for governor in 2010. The Democrat will seek statewide office again after serving one term in the Senate. He defeated incumbent Republican Rod Grams in 2000 but decided not to run for re-election in 2006. Dayton says he’s running for governor because he thinks…
Gov. Pawlenty called for cuts to spending and business taxes in his seventh State of the State. It’s safe to say DFLers weren’t impressed. MPR, the Pi Press, the Star Tribune, AP, Forum Communications, MinnPost and the St. Cloud Times have stories. He also proposed more school funding but with strings attached. The Pi Press…
Coleman surfaces
Republican Norm Coleman made an appearance on a conservative radio show today. I can’t find the entire interview (it’s a paid subscriber site) but a spokeswoman for the MN GOP directed me to three audio clips (via YouTube) from the Michael Medved show. You can listen to them here, here and here. Here’s what the…
Gov. Pawlenty delivered his seventh State of the State address today in St. Paul. You can listen to the audio here: Here is the response from DFL House Speaker Margaret Anderson Kelliher, DFL House Majority Leader Tony Sertich, DFL Senate Majority Leader Larry Pogemiller and DFL Assistant Majority Leader Tarryl Clark:
Gov. Pawlenty delivers his 7th State of the State address today. The Pi Press says no details are expected on the budget. The Star Tribune says there will be cuts in every corner. This is a reminder that MPR will provide live coverage of the speech at noon today. Advocates for the courts say they…
Gov. Pawlenty will deliver his State of the State speech on Thursday at noon. MPR News will provide live radio coverage of the speech. Since this is the governor’s seventh State of the State, there have been some familiar talking points that he’s relied upon. Here’s a handy dandy checklist (which you can mark off…