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The Daily Digest: 1-22-09

Senate Democrats may try to make the push to seat Al Franken. AP has the story. You can listen to Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's comments here. A spokesman for Reid said there is no timeline on when the Senate would try to seat Franken.

Republican Norm Coleman was also in Washington and said he's confident he'll be the winner. He also criticized Harry Reid.

The Pi Press says the recount's reality is lost in Washington.

Meanwhile, attorneys for the campaigns are battling it out in court. The Star Tribune and the Pi Press have stories.

MPR says it's possible that votes were counted twice.


Barack Obama retook the oath of office.

Worries about the dollar were the concern in a hearing regarding Obama's nominee for Treasury Secretary. Tim Geithner also apologized for not paying some of his taxes.

The vote for Attorney General has been delayed a week.

DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar is granted a spot on the Judiciary Committee.

DFL Rep. Tim Walz wants reports from the bailed out banks.

GOP Rep. Erik Paulsen also is named to a few committees like the Financial Services Committee.

State Government

The ACLU sues a Twin Cities Islamic School and the Department of Education.

Gov. Pawlenty pushes for more control over local governments.

Marc Ambinder interviews Pawlenty.

Pawlenty also appointed two, including his general counsel, to the Hennepin County bench.

Delta Airlines and the Metropolitan Airports Commission appear to have a deal over a contract with Northwest Airlines.

GOP House Minority Leader Marty Seifert tries to reduce welfare benefits for new residents.

Park Nicollet's doctors will disclose ties with drug and device companies.