Capitol View®

Reporting on State Politics and Government

The federal government may save the state’s bacon. Despite Gov. Pawlenty’s repeated criticism that the stimulus package is credit card spending that only China will bankroll, his top finance official says the federal money will offset an expected increase in the state budget deficit. Tom Hanson also urged cooperation on the stimulus money. Minnesota’s take…
AP issued this bulletin as a result of this order from the three-judge panel that’s overseeing Norm Coleman’s election contest. ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) – The judges in Minnesota’s U.S. Senate trial say Republican Norm Coleman has not yet shown a widespread problem with absentee voters being denied the right to vote. In a ruling…
State lawmakers hit the road late next week, and also the following week, for a series of town hall meetings on the budget. They want to hear what the public has to say about Gov. Tim Pawlenty’s proposal for solving a $4.8 billion budget deficit. That shortfall is expected to grow when a new economic…
The U.S. House of Representatives passed the $787 billion stimulus package. No Republicans voted for the bill. Here’s how Minnesota’s membership voted (from this Roll Call): Voting Yes: DFL Rep. Tim Walz, DFL Rep. Betty McCollum, DFL Rep. Keith Ellison, DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar Voting No: GOP Rep. John Kline, GOP Rep. Erik Paulsen, GOP…
Governor Pawlenty’s Tax Commission released its recommendations today. They say the state should eliminate the corporate income tax and provide several other business tax breaks to make the state more competitive. In order to pay for it, the commission recommends a cigarette tax increase of $1 a pack and broadening the sales tax (to possibly…
Happy Friday the 13th. Both Republicans and Democrats are frightful today. The GOP is worried that the stimulus package will balloon the federal deficit and argue the price-tag is too high. Democrats are worried about the nation’s economic future if they don’t pass the bill. The stimulus plan is set for a final vote in…
DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar says the state stands to gain 66,000 jobs from the stimulus bill. His office issued a news release with job projections by Congressional District. Here’s the info: Minnesota 66,000 Congressional District 1 Minnesota 7,100 Congressional District 2 Minnesota 8,400 Congressional District 3 Minnesota 7,600 Congressional District 4 Minnesota 7,000 Congressional District…
A Minnesota House panel has defeated a proposal to require voters to show a photo ID before casting a ballot. During a hearing today, opponents told members of the House state and local government committee that a photo ID requirement would disenfranchise many voters, especially senior citizens. Rep. Paul Marquart, DFL-Dilworth, described the bill as…
An agreement has been reached on the economic stimulus package. No word on what Minnesota will receive from the deal. Officials will meet this afternoon for a briefing. Meanwhile, Gov. Pawlenty warns the budget deficit could hit $7 billion. MPR and the Star Tribune have stories. A legal expert says an overturned conviction is a…
Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid tells Politico that he won’t attempt to seat Al Franken until Norm Coleman’s election contest is over.