Capitol View®

Reporting on State Politics and Government

The Daily Digest: 2-19-09
State and federal lawmakers continue to try to figure out the details of the stimulus plan. The stimulus plan could free up money for alternative energy projects in Minnesota. There are high hopes that a bullet train from St. Paul to Chicago could be built as a result of the stimulus bill. New home construction…
State lawmakers say the federal economic stimulus bill will require Gov. Tim Pawlenty to rework his budget proposal. The issue came up today during a meeting of the Legislative Commission on Planning and Fiscal Policy. Management and Budget Commissioner Tom Hanson explained that strings attached to the federal money will likely prevent the governor’s proposed…
The House Health Care and Human Service Policy Oversight Committee approved a bill that would allow chronically ill patients to use marijuana to manage their pain. The bill now moves on to another committee. There wasn’t much news in the hearing since it was similar to a Senate Committee hearing held last last week (Story…
Several House Republicans, including Sen. Geoff Michel and Rep. Dan Severson, want an across the board five percent pay cut for state lawmakers and Minnesota’s five constitutional officers. The proposal would reduce the base pay for state lawmakers from $31,140 to $29,583 a year. The pay reduction for the constutional officers would vary since they…
As Coleman is dealt another setback, GOP leaders help him raise money
Norm Coleman’s campaign has sent a video to supporters featuring several House and Senate GOP leaders rallying around Coleman. The video features Mitch McConnell, John Boehner and Michael Steele. The video comes as Coleman’s campaign was dealt another setback by the three-judge panel considering Coleman’s election contest. They denied his request to reconsider an ruling.…
Gov. Pawlenty used that line during his appearance on Rachel Maddow’s show on MSNBC. Maddow tried to hold Pawlenty’s feet to the fire regarding his opposition to the stimulus bill but his willingness to take the money. Maddow also praised Pawlenty for being one of the few Republicans that is willing to go on the Read more →
DFL House Speaker Margaret Anderson Kelliher and DFL Sen. Majority Leader Larry Pogemiller will be on MPR’s Midday today at 11.
State lawmakers will try to get a better idea of how the stimulus bill will impact the state. Staffers from the Department of Education and Management and Budget will brief lawmakers today. One important phrase to learn – Maintenance of Effort. Fox9 and the Pi Press explain what the stimulus package means to you. MinnPost…
A week after Minnesota Secretary of State Mark Ritchie detailed his election-reform agenda, the organization Common Cause Minnesota has released a report that makes similar recommendations. Here’s the Common Cause Minnesota news release: REPORT OUTLINES STEPS TO IMPROVE MINNESOTA’S ELECTION SYSTEM Early voting and a 21st Century voter registration system will make voting easier St.…