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The Daily Digest: 2-17-09

The federal government may save the state's bacon. Despite Gov. Pawlenty's repeated criticism that the stimulus package is credit card spending that only China will bankroll, his top finance official says the federal money will offset an expected increase in the state budget deficit.

Tom Hanson also urged cooperation on the stimulus money.

Minnesota's take is expected to be a total of $9.1 billion.

Reuters suggests that the GOP could be disappointed if Pawlenty takes the federal money.

A panel calls on expanding the sales tax, cig tax to offset proposed business tax cuts.

States and cities are racing for stimulus cash.

Public safety officials testify against proposed cuts.

The Minnesota Daily says Pawlenty's budget would cut $12 million from state financial aid.

House and Senate committees take the budget discussion on the road later this week.

A task force promises to create thousands of "green jobs."

AP asks whether the time come for early voting?

Rochester's high-speed rail proposal takes a hit in a Senate committee.

The Swamp

President Obama is expected to sign the stimulus bill into law today.

GOP Rep. John Kline will be on MPR's Midday this morning at 11.

DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar calls for officials to prosecute the peanut case.

Experts discuss food safety changes. Klobuchar is mentioned.

The new toy safety law puts the brakes on mini-bikes. Klobuchar is mentioned.

The Wall Street Journal takes a look at congressional junkets. Klobuchar and DFL Rep. Keith Ellison are mentioned to attend an event in Washington D.C.

Ellison is also visiting Qatar.

DFL Rep. Tim Walz tours a school.

The House Ag Committee voted to give more power to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. DFL Rep. Collin Peterson is mentioned.

2008 U.S. Senate Race

Norm Coleman asks the court to reconsider their ruling on rejected ballots. The Star Tribune and MPR have stories.

Al Franken says, however, that he's "technically" Sen.-elect.

Franken will be in Rochester today to continue his discussion with mayors. The Pi Press says he's taking the state's economic pulse.

Surprise! The GOP is deadset against seating Al Franken.

AP says the trial hinges on voter mistakes.


Some of the DFL candidates for governor blast Pawlenty at a DFL fundraiser in Beltrami County.

St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman ramps up his campaign for mayor by picking folks with statewide experience.


I forgot to mention that the Digest was taking President's Day off.


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