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Court: Coleman hasn’t yet shown a widespread problem with RABs

AP issued this bulletin as a result of this order from the three-judge panel that's overseeing Norm Coleman's election contest.

ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) - The judges in Minnesota's U.S. Senate trial say Republican Norm Coleman has not yet shown a widespread problem with absentee voters being denied the right to vote.

In a ruling late Friday, the three-judge panel say that rejected absentee ballots in 12 of 19 categories should not be counted in the Senate race. That's a setback for Coleman, who wanted to count ballots in all but three categories.

Coleman is trying to undo Democrat Al Franken's 225-vote lead by arguing that thousands of rejected absentee ballots should be counted. But the order from the judges will limit the number of ballots to be reviewed for counting.