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The Daily Digest: 2-13-09

Happy Friday the 13th. Both Republicans and Democrats are frightful today. The GOP is worried that the stimulus package will balloon the federal deficit and argue the price-tag is too high. Democrats are worried about the nation's economic future if they don't pass the bill.

The stimulus plan is set for a final vote in the House and Senate.

Minnesota Republicans blast the bill.

DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar said it will create thousands of jobs in Minnesota.

DFL Rep. Tim Walz called the bill a "good start" in fixing the economy.

The NRCC runs ads ripping Walz for supporting the stimulus.

GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann says the bill is bad for her district and warns that the plan will ration health care.

The Pawlenty Administration and state lawmakers are trying to determine how much money the state will receive from the plan. They estimate more than $2 billion could be used to help erase the state's deficit. AP, MPR, the Pi Press and the Star Tribune have stories.

The bill gives a boost to college student aid but less money is available for campus repairs.

Judd Gregg withdraws his nomination as Commerce Secretary.

The Senate confirms Leon Panetta as CIA Director.

DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar and GOP Rep. Erik Paulsen introduce a bill that they hope will reduce metal thefts.

DFL Rep. Collin Peterson's committee passes a bill that tightens the derivatives market. The Wall Street Journal said the fight over derivatives oversight has created a turf battle.

Delta Air Lines says it will continue to serve Bemidji. Oberstar is mentioned.

Under the Dome

The battle over cutting the corporate income tax will ramp up a bit. The CEO of TCF Bank (who used to chair the MNGOP) is moving the bank's headquarters to South Dakota. The spokesman argued that's it's not a tax play and is for "regulatory simplicity only." Do you think that will stop supporters of a corporate tax cut to not use this as an example?

The Pawlenty administration says Minnesota is on track to meet its greenhouse gas emission goals.

A bill to limit greenhouse gas emissions from cars is proposed again.

The Minnesota Corrections Commissioner is using a video to warn of additional budget cuts to prisons.

The Star Tribune takes a look at the proposal to tighten controls over personal care assistants and the potential cuts to the program.

A same sex marriage bill gets attention at the Capitol.

A committee will set up a pilot program for cameras in courtroom.

The city of Benson returns a MnDOT grant because it can't afford the matching money.

Gov. Pawlenty is asked to stop the state from purchasing bottled water.

A bill that would require photo id to vote was defeated in a House committee.

Sexually transmitted diseases are on the rise in Minnesota.

The Iron Range may set up some wind power.

2008 U.S. Senate race

The pace is picking up in the recount trial. Attorneys argue over what a legally cast absentee ballot is. AP, the Pi Press, MPR and the Star Tribune have stories.

The Hill says the GOP isn't eager to fill the seat.


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