Capitol View®

Reporting on State Politics and Government

The state will release its latest job numbers later this morning. No one expects the news to be good. U.S. workers on jobless benefits is at a record high. It doesn’t help when companies like Medtronic announce future lay-offs. Heating assistance requests have increased ten percent. 2008 U.S. Senate Race A procedural error prompted the…
WASHINGTON (AP) – The dog days are drawing near at the White House. First lady Michelle Obama says a Portuguese Water Dog should be taking up residence sometime in April. She tells People magazine that the target date for the arrival is after her daughters’ spring break trip. The Obama family wants to get a…
Gov. Pawlenty and MnDOT Commissioner Tom Sorel released the list of transportation projects that will start in Greater Minnesota as a result of the federal stimulus bill. Here’s the list of projects and a map. Pawlenty and Sorel are flying around the state today to announce the porjects. Pawlenty has voiced his opposition to the…
Seven days after the Minnesota Senate instituted a measure to allow Senators to cut their own pay, no senator has taken that step. Last week, the Senate Rules Committee implemented a hiring freeze, a wage freeze and allowed senators to voluntarily cut their own salaries. The body took the action one day after several Republican…
President Obama says he will lead the nation and it’s troubled economy to a brighter future. He made the remarks to a joint session of Congress. Here’s a fact check of his speech. He says he’s identified $2 trillion in budget cuts. Obama also mentions Minneapolis in the speech. The Rushford-Peterson Schools Superintendent attended the…
President Obama just finished his address to Congress. He mentioned the stimulus bill and its impact on Minneapolis in the speech: Over the next two years, this plan will save or create 3.5 million jobs. More than 90% of these jobs will be in the private sector – jobs rebuilding our roads and bridges; constructing…
Politico is reporting that GOP Sen. Norm Coleman met with GOP leadership in the Senate and with RNC Chair Michael Steele this week. He also wouldn’t rule out any further legal challenges: “I’m not ruling it in or ruling it out, let’s see what the court does and hopefully they’ll do the right thing,” Coleman…
Politico interviewed Gov. Pawlenty on the stimulus, Minnesota politics and his political future. Here’s an interesting nugget: Q: Just a few years ago, Republicans were in control of the Minnesota legislature. You were elected governor. Now it seems like everything’s collapsed for Minnesota Republicans. You barely won reelection. It looks like Coleman loses his seat.…
Gov. Pawlenty and MnDOT Commissioner Tom Sorel will hit the road tomorrow to announce the transportation projects in Greater Minnesota that were funded by the federal stimulus bill. They’re making stops in Rochester, Mankato, Cambridge, Duluth and St. Paul.
Legislation allowing the school year to begin before Labor Day has cleared a Minnesota House committee. Members of the House K-12 Education Finance Division approved the bill today on a 13 to 5 vote. The measure would give school districts start-date flexibility for the next two school years, 2009-2010 and 2010-2011. Labor Day falls this…