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The Daily Digest: 2-26-09

The state will release its latest job numbers later this morning. No one expects the news to be good.

U.S. workers on jobless benefits is at a record high.

It doesn't help when companies like Medtronic announce future lay-offs.

Heating assistance requests have increased ten percent.

2008 U.S. Senate Race

A procedural error prompted the three-judge panel to strike the testimony of a witness who claims the double counting of votes occurred. MPR, the Star Tribune and AP have stories.

Forum Communications says the trial will last for a few more weeks.

Under the Dome

No Minnesota senators opt to cut their own pay.

A ban on smoking in cars with kids advances in the Minnesota Senate. MPR and AP have stories.

Gov. Pawlenty released the list of 60 Greater Minnesota transportation projects that will be funded by the federal stimulus bill. MPR, the Star Tribune, the Pi Press and Forum Communications have stories.

An audit finds that Minnesota's worker's comp system needs some fixes.

The Star Tribune says a poster featuring Osama Bin Laden prompts debate at the Capitol.


President Obama's budget plan will raise taxes on the wealthy to pay for health care changes.

Obama is also counting on revenue from carbon permits.

The Hill says Obama is also seeking a new wave of regulations. DFL Rep. Collin Peterson is mentioned.

Peterson also signs on to a group that calls for increased domestic energy production.

The EPA Chief if reconsidering ship ballast permits.

The House approves a $410 billion spending bill.

MinnPost says Peterson voted against the bill.

GOP Rep. John Kline introduces legislation that would ensure the secret ballot in the workplace. The bill counters union efforts on card check.

DFL Rep. Keith Ellison says renters who are booted because of home foreclosures are "the untold victims" of the housing crisis.

Smart Politics calls GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann "unsinkable."

Bachmann also participates in a live-blog (h/t Minnesota Independent).


CPAC, which Gov. Pawlenty will attend on Saturday, is described as the first GOP cattle call for 2012.


Soft toilet paper is rough on forests.