Capitol View®

Reporting on State Politics and Government

DFL House Speaker Margaret Anderson Kelliher will be in Washington D.C. to attend President Obama’s speech to Congress. The news release says Kelliher will be a guest of DFL Rep. Keith Ellison: House Speaker Margaret Anderson Kelliher will attend this evening’s State of the Union address delivered by President Barack Obama. Kelliher has been invited…
Happy Fat Tuesday. One thing that isn’t fat anymore is the stock portfolios and retirement funds for millions of Americans. The Dow continued its free fall yesterday. Stimulus Gov. Pawlenty says he’ll accept stimulus aid. He was in Washington D.C. as a part of the NGA. He and others suggest that the federal government can…
Taking on water
Washington D.C. is known for its leaks but an incident at GOP Rep. Erik Paulsen’s office takes that meaning to a whole new level. Politico is reporting that water starting spritzing out of one of Paulsen’s office walls this morning: At first it was somewhat containable, filling up those small recycling bins every 15/20 seconds,…
Gov. Tim Pawlenty’s chief financial advisor is assuring legislators that Minnesota will accept its share of the federal economic stimulus bill. Management and Budget Commissioner Tom Hanson told a joint hearing of the House Finance and Ways and Means committees today hat his office is preparing a certification letter to accept the estimated $4 billion…
Gov. Pawlenty sidestepped questions about a possible run for the White House in 2012 during an appearance on Fox News Sunday. He told Pajamas Media, however, this: Asked about his own presidential prospects, he eschewed the usual denial of any interest and said, “I’m going to take some time to think about it.” He then…
Gov. Pawlenty’s political aspirations lead the digest today. Pawlenty wouldn’t rule out a run for president when asked on Fox News Sunday (transcript here). He sidestepped a follow up on the possibility saying he may run for a third term as governor. He told Pajamas Media “he’s thinking about” a possible presidential run. Asked about…
The National Review interviewed Gov. Pawlenty this weekend. A bulk of the discussion focused on the federal stimulus package. But Pawlenty also provided this comment on the 2008 Senate race: “I know some people have grown weary of this, but I think Norm Coleman has a good chance to get this turned over in the…
Did you even hear the old saying: “If you believe that, I have a bridge I want to sell you in Brooklyn!” Well, Gov. Pawlenty tried to localize that phrase during an appearance on Fox News Sunday. During a debate over whether President Obama could reduce the deficit, Pawlenty said this (transcript): “I also would…
Gov. Pawlenty didn’t do that during an appearance on Fox News Sunday. The show’s host Chris Wallace asked Pawlenty, South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford, Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm and Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell to raise their hands if they were completely ruling out a run for president in 2012. Pawlenty and Sanford didn’t raise their…
DFLer Al Franken did an interview with Air America yesterday. The Hotline”>Hotline posted a portion of an interview for those who don’t want to listen to the entire thing. Here’s the interesting nugget: “The narrowing of the universe of these absentee ballots that could be counted is such that we really believe we’re going to…