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Obama’s nearing decision on dog.

WASHINGTON (AP) - The dog days are drawing near at the White House. First lady Michelle Obama says a Portuguese Water Dog should be taking up residence sometime in April.

She tells People magazine that the target date for the arrival is after her daughters' spring break trip.

The Obama family wants to get a Portuguese Water Dog from a rescue organization, a dog that is the appropriate age and temperament.

While they may have agreed on a breed, they still haven't decided on a name. The first lady says some of the ideas floating around, names like Frank or Moose, are "really bad."

Mrs. Obama also talks to the magazine about the family's daily routine in the White House. She says she and her husband are up at 5:30 a.m., exercise in the White House gym, and usually have breakfast together.

She also says the White House chefs cook "mean waffles and grits."

And she says the family all have dinner together every night, and that when her husband isn't traveling, he tucks the girls in.