Capitol View®

Reporting on State Politics and Government

Here’s the synopsis. 6. Tim Pawlenty: T-Paw is the tortoise of the 2012 race — carefully picking his spots to speak out on the national stage, always wary of overexposure or a misstep. There are strengths and weaknesses to that strategy. On the positive side, Pawlenty avoids looking desperate or craven with three years before…
Minnesota’s jobless rate has hit 7.6%. The Star Tribune says Minnesota’s jobless rate is now as bad as the nation’s rate. Under the Dome Supporters of aid to local governments begin a major push today to keep their funding at current levels. The group is holding a large news conference later this morning. Minneapolis Mayor…
The National Journal just released its vote ratings for 2008. DFL Rep. Betty McCollum is tied for having the most liberal voting record in the House. DFL Rep. Keith Ellison had the 13th most liberal voting record. DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar had the 35th most liberal voting record. DFL Rep. Tim Walz had the 175th…
Rybak enters budget fray
Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak entered the state budget fray today, one day after Gov. Pawlenty criticized the fiscal discipline of Rybak and other Minneapolis elected officials. As I read the news release, I couldn’t help but think of a possible showdown in 2010. Here’s the release: (Note, the links and bold face were embedded in…
Legislation introduced this week at the state Capitol would allow the names of Minnesota candidates to be listed more than once on the election ballot. Under the so-called fusion candidate bill, an individual would be named on the ballot for each political party nomination they secured. Rep. Tina Liebling, DFL-Rochester, the bill’s chief author, said…
Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid told reporters today that the Senate was prepared to seat Democrat Al Franken in April. Reid added that Republican Norm Coleman should just concede: “Norm Coleman should have a five-minute conversation with [Nevada Sen.] John Ensign,” Reid said. Reid explained that, in his 1998 Senate race, Ensign decided to…
The three-judge panel overseeing Republican Norm Coleman’s challenge to the recount has reversed course and will now allow a Republican election official to testify. Here’s a snapshot from MPR’s Elizabeth Baier: In her testimony Wednesday, Pamela Howell said she was with another election judge when duplicate ballots without proper labels were fed through the tabulators.…
The Conservative Political Action Conference is this weekend. A large number of GOP heavy hitters will attend the event. GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann will be the Master of Ceremonies for an event dubbed “The Presidential Banquet.” Gov. Pawlenty is scheduled to speak on Saturday morning. The Boston Globe says Pawlenty will also appear on CPAC’s…
President Obama released his budget proposal this morning. Here’s the budget proposal. Here’s a fact sheet. Here’s a New York Times story on the proposal.
Minnesota’s unemployment numbers jumped more than a half a percent in a month. Here’s a portion of the news release from the Department of Employment and Economic Development: State Employers Shed 20,700 Jobs in January ST. PAUL – Minnesota lost 20,700 jobs in January, according to figures released today by the Minnesota Department of Employment…