Capitol View®

Reporting on State Politics and Government

Members of the Legislative Commission on Planning and Fiscal Policy are meeting to go over Gov. Tim Pawlenty’s latest budget offer. Here’s what they’re looking at: Governor’s offer Saturday May 16 Close the remaining $2.7 billion gap (after line item vetoes) by accepting House DFL level of education payment shift and additional spending reductions. Accept…
Gov. Tim Pawlenty and DFL Legislative leaders resumed negotiations today to try to erase a $4.6 billion deficit. They met for about an hour in the governor’s office at the State Capitol. Senate Majority Leader Larry Pogemiller, DFL-Minneapolis, said Pawlenty was preparing an offer that hinges on another $1.2 billion in budget cuts. Pogemiller said…
Gov. Pawlenty’s spokesman said the governor will meet with DFL legislative leaders Saturday morning at 11 at the governor’s residence office. They’ll meet with the hopes of reaching a deal on the two year budget. The Legislature is constitutionally required to finish its work on Monday.
Here’s the rundown for the weekend shows. TPT’s Almanac: House Speaker Margaret Anderson Kelliher, Senate Majority Leader Larry Pogemiller and Minority leaders David Senjem and Marty Seifert will appear live on Almanac this evening. Also on the docket: Legislative Auditor James Nobles chatting about capitol security concerns. WCCO’s Sunday Morning: Brian McClung, Governor Tim Pawlenty’s…
The Minnesota Hospital Association has released an analysis of Governor Pawlenty’s line-item veto that completely eliminates General Assistance Medical Care in FY 2011. Hennepin County Medical Center takes the biggest cut – $108 million – as a result of the line-item veto. Here’s the analysis.
Gov. Pawlenty line-item vetoed $383 million in state programs from two budget bills. Most notable is the elimination of General Assistance Medical Care in the 2nd year of the two-year budget. Pawlenty took the action just hours after saying he’d balance the budget by himself if he and DFL lawmakers can’t reach an overall budget…
I figured you would want a primer on unallotment since Gov. Pawlenty announced today that he will use his emergency authority to cut government if a budget deal isn’t reached. Session Weekly has an interesting look at unallotment.
Governor Pawlenty surprised a fair number of people this afternoon when he said he would sign the budget bills sent to him by the DFL controlled Legislature. But he added that he will use his line-item veto authority and emergency authority to cut spending. He said he will not call lawmakers back for a special…
DFL Rep. Ryan Winkler released a statement today criticizing Gov. Pawlenty for the state workforce increasing during a hiring freeze implemented by Gov. Pawlenty. MPR reported this morning that the state added jobs since Pawlenty initiated the freeze in February, 2008. The report also noted that no one was policing the policy (that has since…