Capitol View®

Reporting on State Politics and Government

Dick Anfang, a political force with the Minnesota Building and Construction Trades Council is retiring. Mike Zipko, with Goff and Howard, sent along this note about plans to honor him: In the midst of budget negotiations, legislators will take some time today to honor a Minnesota political leader who is retiring. After the Senate goes…
MPR has found that the state employee workforce has grown despite a hiring freeze. Gov. Pawlenty has directed Finance officials to review the policies outlined in the freeze as a result of the analysis. Gov. Pawlenty now has to sign or veto a slate of budget bills that includes a $3 billion hole. The Pi…
MPR has found that the state workforce has actually grown since Gov. Pawlenty issued a February, 2008 executive order directive.
Gov. Pawlenty sent a letter to DFL legislative leaders telling them he was disappointed that they were passing budget bills “without a viable proposal to pay for them.” He also told them he’s available to negotiate an overall budget deal. Here’s the letter.
The Minnesota House has passed legislation that would keep state government running if a agreement isn’t reached on a new two-year budget. There are five days left in the legislative session, and the current budget expires July 1. Under the “Lights On” bill passed today on a vote of 88 to 46, funding for state…
A report by the DFL leaning blog, MN Progressive Project, is reporting that GOP Rep. Erik Paulsen paid his wife $10,000 in campaign contributions: Representative Erik Paulsen from Minnesota’s 3rd Congressional District used campaign funds to pay his wife nearly $10,000 according to FEC filings. According to the reports, Carolyn “Kelly” Paulsen received payments starting…
The Legislaitve Auditor released a report saying security at the Minnesota State Capitol is inadequate. Here’s the report. The report also said Attorney General Lori Swanson’s decision to install security doors in her office. Here’s the letter Auditor James Nobles sent to Swanson’t office. Here’s a statement from Swanson spokesman Ben Wogsland: The Legislative Auditor’s…
The Legislative Auditor released a report saying security at the Minnesota State Capitol is inadequate. Here’s the report. The report also said Attorney General Lori Swanson’s decision to install security doors in her office. Here’s a statement from Swanson spokesman Ben Wogsland: The Legislative Auditor’s report regarding the security vulnerability assessment of Attorney General Swanson,…
The House and Senate are scheduled to vote on the remaining budget bills today. They reached agreement last night on the Ag and Vets, Higher Ed, K12 and State Government budget bills. With less than a week to go, lawmakers and Gov. Pawlenty still haven’t reached a budget deal. Legislative leaders and the governor met…
GOP Rep. Pat Garofalo made an interesting comment to a group of reporters today when discussing the K12 conference committee report: “We’re disappointed that it comes in less than the governor recommended. The governor proposed an increase in education funding, this freezes it. But more importantly, it has little to none of governor’s reform or…