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The Daily Digest: 5-15-09

Gov. Pawlenty line-item vetoed $383 million in state programs from two budget bills. Most notable is the elimination of General Assistance Medical Care in the 2nd year of the two-year budget. Pawlenty took the action just hours after saying he'd balance the budget by himself if he and DFL lawmakers can't reach an overall budget agreement. He insisted that there would be no special session. MPR, the Pi Press, the Star Tribune, AP, MinnPost and Forum Communications have stories.

Here's a primer on unallotment.

DFLers criticize Pawlenty's management style as a result of MPR's story that found his Administration continued to make thousands of hires even though a hiring freeze is in place.

The Arts seem to have a different meaning in the House and Senate as lawmakers continue to negotiate the funding from the newly created sales tax.

The House approved no-excuse early voting.

The House is also set to work to repeal an 1863 U.S. law that banishes Dakota Indians from the state.

The Emerald Ash Borer appears in St. Paul.


The House passes a $96.7 billion war funding measure. DFL Rep. Keith Ellison and DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar broke with President Obama's funding request.

DFL Rep. Tim Walz requests $10 million for Minnesota 60.

The House passes a bill to promote "Green" school renovations. GOP Rep. John Kline unsuccessfully tried to amend the title of the bill to bill to " a bill to saddle future generations with billions in debt, and for other purposes."

GOP Rep. Michele Bachman wins the "Friend of the Taxpayer" award for the second straight year.

Politico says Bachmann is still a lightning rod.

There's still a fight in Congress over which agency should oversee credit derivatives. DFL Rep. Collin Peterson is mentioned.

2008 Race for U.S. Senate

The Star Tribune writes about the FBI investigation into Norm Coleman.


Will Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak win DFL backing on his third try?

A Minneapolis City Council Candidate accuses Rybak of violating campaign finance by law by mistakenly citing endorsement from the Green Party.

Rybak will also visit China.

Here's the link to the Survey USA poll I cited yesterday. 57% of those polled don't think Pawlenty should run for a third term. It also details budget balancing options, opinion on the Legislature and whether Norm Coleman should concede if he loses his appeal to the Minnesota Supreme Court.