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DFL rips Pawlenty on hiring freeze

DFL Rep. Ryan Winkler released a statement today criticizing Gov. Pawlenty for the state workforce increasing during a hiring freeze implemented by Gov. Pawlenty.

MPR reported this morning that the state added jobs since Pawlenty initiated the freeze in February, 2008. The report also noted that no one was policing the policy (that has since changed per Pawlenty's directive). Here's part of Winkler's statement:

Governor Palwenty continues to lecture Minnesotans that government needs to tighten its belt while Pawlenty's bureaucratic waistline keeps getting bigger. Minnesotans may be surprised to hear that facing a $6.4 billion budget shortfall Governor Pawlenty has failed to impose any meaningful limit on spending by his agencies. Governor Pawlenty proposes to ravage schools, hospitals, nursing homes, and the disabled with budget cuts, but keeps spending more and more on his own pet projects.

It's time for every Minnesotan, and the press, to ask Governor Pawlenty three important questions:

1. How much time does the governor actually spend managing the business of the state?

2. How well does the governor oversee his agencies and commissioners?

3. How serious is Tim Pawlenty about being Minnesota's governor?

Meanwhile, TPT's Mary Lahammer is reporting that someone posted a job listing on Craig's list that mocks the freeze. Here's part of that entry:

You may have heard that the State of Minnesota was under a hiring freeze. It's true -- Governor Tim Pawlenty did sign an executive directive in February 2008.

But there is good news! If the Governor wants to hire you to a position that he finds beneficial, the freeze is all of a sudden lifted. Just ask the 20 public information officers and 20 education specialists that have been hired in the last year. You can even get a job driving a van or automobile!

So, if you are one of 16,000 people who are about to lose their job due to the Governor's proposed cuts to hospitals, nursing homes and education send your resume today. The Governor is apparently hiring.

I'm told this will likely come up during the Legislative Commission on Planning and Fiscal Policy.