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Legislators get details of governor’s budget offer

Members of the Legislative Commission on Planning and Fiscal Policy are meeting to go over Gov. Tim Pawlenty's latest budget offer. Here's what they're looking at:

Governor's offer

Saturday May 16

Close the remaining $2.7 billion gap (after line item vetoes) by accepting House DFL level of education payment shift and additional spending reductions.

Accept House DFL K-12 shift level

$1.75 billion

Reduce LGA and related items

$450 million

Other items

$100 million

Renters credit to apply no more taxes paid (i.e. eliminate windfall) @ 50; political contribution refund @ 10; sustainable forest @ 5; PILT payment adjustment @ 8; taconite state aid @ 13; additional compliance @ 14

Additional HHS items to be negotiated with legislature including possible use of HCAF surplus for appropriate purposes

$250 million

Higher education reduction

$190 million