Politics and Government News

MPR News is your hub for the latest politics and government news coverage. Whether you're looking for the status of a recent Supreme Court ruling, or want updates on Minnesota's newest laws, we have comprehensive state and national news coverage ready for you.

Despite cybersecurity risks and last-minute changes, the 2020 census goes online
For the first time in U.S. history, the federal government is trying to count most households through the Internet for the once-a-decade census, but the rollout has been fraught with risks.
The census counts prisoners, but who benefits?
Should Minnesota count prisoners as residents of the town where they’re locked up or use their last address? It’s become an important question for prison towns — and some state lawmakers — as the census approaches.
Protesters force cancellation of Klobuchar campaign rally in St. Louis Park
Sen. Amy Klobuchar canceled a homecoming campaign rally in Minnesota on Sunday night after protesters took over the stage in a high school gym where she hoped to rally supporters.
Authorities announce second coronavirus death in U.S.
Health officials in Washington state said Sunday night that a second person had died from the coronavirus — a man in his 70s from a nursing facility near Seattle where dozens of people were sick and had been tested for the virus.
Buttigieg ends historic presidential campaign, urges unity
“The truth is the path has narrowed to a close for our candidacy if not for our cause,” Buttigieg told supporters in South Bend, Ind. “We must recognize that at this point in the race, the best way to keep faith with those goals and ideals is to step aside and help bring our party and country together.”
Israel's Groundhog Day: Hold elections, call another vote, repeat
After two failed tries, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hopes to win re-election on Monday over the centrist challenger, retired Gen. Benny Gantz. But don't be surprised if there's another inconclusive result.
Sanders reports raising $46.5M in February; Warren raises $29M
Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign said Sunday that it raised more than $46.5 million in February. Both Sanders and Elizabeth Warren continue to demonstrate the formidable power of attracting small, online donations nationwide.
Afghan peace deal hits first snag over prisoner releases
Afghanistan's president said Sunday that he will not free thousands of Taliban prisoners ahead of all-Afghan power-sharing talks set for next week, publicly disagreeing with a timetable for a speedy prisoner release laid out just a day earlier in a U.S.-Taliban peace agreement.