Politics and Government News

MPR News is your hub for the latest politics and government news coverage. Whether you're looking for the status of a recent Supreme Court ruling, or want updates on Minnesota's newest laws, we have comprehensive state and national news coverage ready for you.

Study exposes Russia disinformation campaign that operated in the shadows for 6 years
The "Secondary Infektion" campaign spread thousands of false stories, including forged documents and fake tweets. Still operating, the campaign may now target the November election, researchers say.
Senate Judiciary holds hearing on police use of force
The hearing includes two panels, one on policing in the black community, and another, the chairman said, with "folks who can tell us about the other side of the story and ways to go forward." Witnesses include St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter and the heads of several police organizations.
Deadly force law a key issue in Capitol policing debate
In the aftermath of George Floyd’s killing, Minnesota lawmakers are weighing whether to raise the bar on when police use of lethal force is justified. While there is some overlap between House and Senate proposals, they’re not quite on the same page.
How decades of bans on police chokeholds have fallen short
A federal ban on police use of chokeholds has been discussed in recent weeks, but NPR reviewed the internal policies of several large U.S. police departments and found them difficult to enforce.
House Democrats move quickly on police changes
The Minnesota House moved a DFL-crafted plan for greater police accountability through three committees Monday after a marathon hearing over the weekend. State Senate Republicans are set to begin working on a much smaller plan Tuesday, as some in the GOP say the House is moving too quickly.