MPR News with Kerri Miller: Women of Faith

As women's voices in faith communities become louder, MPR News with Kerri Miller is speaking with women who are energized by some of our most urgent policy, spiritual and philosophical questions.

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Memorable moments with women of faith
Big Books and Bold Ideas looks back at memorable conversations with women who practice and share their faith through different denominations and in different ways.
In 2018, Kate Bowler joined MPR News Host Kerri Miller to talk about her experience. She is an Assistant Professor at Duke Divinity School and the author of "Everything Happens for a Reason: And other Lies I've Loved."
How a pastor's faith survived 'Beautiful and Terrible Things'
Pastor Amy Butler was the first woman pastor to lead New York’s historic Riverside Church. But despite that — and partly because of it — her faith had to learn to survive the brutal realities of this world. Her new book, “Beautiful and Terrible Things,” is her journey of learning to live without fear in the messy middle.
Women of Faith: What other religions teach us about our own
The final conversation in our Women of Faith series is with Barbara Brown Taylor, who describes how teaching world religions to college students stretched and reformed her own faith in her new book “Holy Envy: Finding God in the Faith of Others.”
Asma Uddin defends religious freedom for all
Religious freedom is a strongly-held American value – until it gets applied to a religion that some view with suspicion. The latest conversation in our Women of Faith series examines the juxtaposition faced by Muslims in this country who want the same religious freedoms as Christian conservatives.
Women of Faith: Kate Bowler on living with chronic cancer in a fix-it-quick culture
The next installment in our Women of Faith series: Kate Bowler lives with cancer. “Do you ever feel like a survivor?” she writes. “Or are you just an ongoing problem that makes for awkward small talk at parties?”
Women of Faith: Karen Swallow Prior on defying labels
Conservative evangelicals are the group most likely to walk in lock-step with President Trump – a fact that dismays a vocal minority. Karen Swallow Prior counts herself in that group. It’s the next conversation in our Women of Faith series.
Women of Faith: Can Democrats win voters of faith?
The Democratic candidates are actively courting religious voters this time around. But will it work? We talked to two women who study faith and politics – the next installment in our Women of Faith series.
Women of Faith: Jana Riess and ‘The Next Mormons’
New research shows millennial Mormons are leaving the church at a much higher rate than previous generations. The question is: Why? Religion columnist and LDS member Jana Riess spoke about a church trying to shepherd its young members through traditional faith and a rapidly changing culture.
Women of Faith: Searching for God
Anjali Kumar met with witches in New York, a shaman in Peru, and a faith healer in Brazil, in a quest to find her spiritual home. What she found wasn't what she sought.