MPR News with Kerri Miller: Women of Faith

As women's voices in faith communities become louder, MPR News with Kerri Miller is speaking with women who are energized by some of our most urgent policy, spiritual and philosophical questions.

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Women of Faith: Millennial Christians say loving God means protecting creation
Evangelicals have long focused more on saving souls than on saving God's creation. But some younger believers want to flip the script. Kerri Miller spoke with two environmental activists who are motivated by their faith to do something about climate change.
Women of Faith: Putting relationships over politics
The women behind the podcast Pantsuit Politics say their faith compels them to stay in relationships, even with people with whom they disagree politically. It's the latest discussion in our Women of Faith series.
Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg on real repentance
In our culture, stubborn denials, glib apologies and quick comebacks often overwhelm any practice of repentance. The Judaic practice of teshuvah shows us a better way.
Women of Faith: Female atheists embrace skepticism
Only 3 percent of the population identifies as atheist -- and even that small slice is mostly white and male. What does it mean to be a woman and an atheist?
Women of faith: Sister Simone Campbell on #NunsToo and the Catholic Church
As women's voices in faith communities become more integral and more influential, we are opening a new series of conversations titled "Women of Faith." Sister Simone Campbell, a Catholic nun and founder of the Network Lobby for Catholic Social Justice, joined MPR News host Kerri Miller.