Big Books & Bold Ideas with Kerri Miller

Asma Uddin defends religious freedom for all

Asma Uddin is a religious liberty lawyer and author.
Asma Uddin is a religious liberty lawyer and the author of the new book, “When Islam is not a Religion: Inside America’s Fight for Religious Freedom.”
Courtesy photo

Is religious liberty, valued by Americans and guaranteed by the First Amendment, becoming yet another victim of partisan polarization?

Religious liberty lawyer Asma Uddin is fighting to make sure that doesn’t happen. But she believes a movement is growing to paint Islam as a political ideology, instead of a religion – and that movement largely stems from conservative Christians, themselves passionate supporters of religious freedom.

Her new book “When Islam is Not a Religion” examines that premise and makes a stirring appeal for religious freedom for all. On Tuesday, host Kerri Miller spoke with Uddin about her book and her belief that we are stronger as a country when all religious expressions are valued and protected. It’s one of the final conversations in our Women of Faith series.


Asma Uddin is a religious liberty lawyer and the author of the new book, “When Islam is not a Religion: Inside America’s Fight for Religious Freedom”

To listen to the full conversation you can use the audio player above.

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