Climate Cast ®

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Climate Cast
MPR News

MPR meteorologist Paul Huttner discusses the latest research on our changing climate and the consequences we’re seeing here in Minnesota and worldwide. Hear Climate Cast each Thursday on MPR’s All Things Considered.

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The industry of climate change denial, and a warm Alaskan winter
We're tackling climate change denial this week on Climate Cast. MPR News chief meteorologist Paul Huttner talks to three expert researchers who study many facets of the so-called climate change denial industry. Plus, we'll hear on some extra warm temperatures in the northernmost city in the country.
The year of the superstorm, a 'net zero' home and how to pick a green car
This week on Climate Cast, MPR News chief meteorologist Paul Huttner discusses 2017's extreme weather events, and we'll hear about what it's like to create a "net zero" home and how to choose a climate-friendly car.